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Party place is for about 300 visitors, rich menu, pool Kitchen: european Budget: 500 rub. (less than 20 eur) After the party in a club: topless, stripshow, mascarade (23:00 - 24:00), non-stop dance till the morning (5 o'clock) Entrance fee - 100 rubles (3 euro) Orient fee for night-spend is 150 rub (5 euro). ووووووو competitions وووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو # Rules for demo/intro: * GFX-accels are alowed ( OpenGL / DirectX ). * escape if ESC (PC) / LMB (Amiga) pressed. * pure animation is restricted. * should work after SetPatch executed (Amiga). # PC 512b INTRO * max. size is 512 bytes. # PC/Amiga DEMO * max. size in archive is 12mb. # PC/Amiga 4K INTRO * 4096 bytes. # PC/Amiga 64KB INTRO * 64 kB (65.536 bytes). * decompression time should be less than 5 min ;D # MULTICHANNEL ( TRADITIONAL ) MUSIC * max playtime 4 minutes. * _packed_ module should be no more than 1.44MB. ( 3.5 floppy disk ziped ) * allowed formats: XM, IT, S3M, MOD. * one work from one author # MULTICHANNEL ( ALTERNATIVE ) MUSIC * max. palytime 4 min. * _packed_ module should be no more than 1.44MB. ( 3.5 floppy disk ziped ) * allowed formats: XM, IT, S3M, MOD. * one work from one author # MP3 MUSIC * max. playtime is 4 min. * one work from one author * max bitrate - 192kbit. # 4-CHNL MUSIC * max. playtime 4 min. * max. module's size is 720kb. ( 1 floppy 720kb ziped ). * allowed formats: S3M, MOD. * one work from one author # PIXELED GRAPHICS * max. dimentions 1024x768x24 bits. * allowed formats: GIF, JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG. * scanned works are RESTRICTED * GFX should not content no logos nor team titels * max. two works from one author # RENDERED GRAPHICS * max. dimentions 1024x768x24 bits. * allowed formats: GIF, JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG. * scanned works are RESTRICTED * GFX should not content no logos nor team titels * max. two works from one author # WILD GRAPHICS * max. dimentions 1024x768x24 bits. * allowed formats: GIF, JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG. * scanned works are RESTRICTED * GFX should not content no logos nor team titels * no restrictions for soft used in work * max. two works from one author # ANIMATION * max playtime is 15 min. * allowed formats: AVI, MPG, MOV ( Qtime 4.0 ). # WILD * no restriction * authors brings all needed soft and hard. * works could be not only for computer. # WEB DESIGN COMPO * target: WWW-page of Paradox party. * max. size archived 500kb. * Internet Explorer 6.0 will be used for tests * flash-technologies allowed. Because of pre-selection all works should be registered. Fill up next form and include it in archive with your product. --- cut here ----------------------------------------------------------- *Name of competitor(s): docMike *Name of group(s) : mOOdS *Name of entry : "mOOdyBlues" Competition (select one): [ ] PC/Amiga demo [ ] PC 512b intro [ ] PC/Amiga 64Kb intro [ ] PC/Amiga 4Kb intro [ ] Pixeled (Handdrawn) graphics [ ] Rendered graphics [ ] Wild graphics [x] Multichannel traditional music [x] Multichannel alternative music [ ] MP3 music [ ] 4-chnl music [ ] Animation [ ] Web design [ ] PC 100kb Game compo [ ] Wild [ ] Zx demo [ ] Zx 4kb intro [ ] Zx gfx [ ] Zx ay music [ ] Zx digital music [ ] Zx game [ ] Other ( name it ) : Contact information (e-mail): Using hardware accelerated 3D (demo/intro)? (yes/no): Additional remarks: --- end here ----------------------------------------------------------- ووووووو equipment ووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو # PC : P4-1800Mhz, 512mb, GeForce3, SB, WindowsXP, DirectX 8.1 # ZX : Pentagon 2++, 3.5 mhz, turbo mode 7.0 mhz, 512kb RAM, AY-8910, Covox(#fb) soundrive(#0f,#1f,#4f,#5f), Cache 16kb, kempston mouse, 3.5 & 5.25 fdd. # Amiga : Commodore Amiga 1200, Blizzard IV 030@50Mhz, FPU, 2mb chip + 32mb fast ram, OS 3.9(bb2), maybe will be Blizzard 060@66 on a party. ووووووو contact adresses وووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو http://party.paradox.ru # mail: twinzen@artcore.ru - organization questions warhawk_trex@mailru.com - pc platform & compo rules klim_cm@mailru.com (2:5061/33.40) - zx platform dimon_lcs@mail.ru - Amiga platform # phone : (8632) 67-68-26 - Kiril ( p ± p ÷ ) (8632) 34-26-18 - Alexey ( p , p. ) v. 27/05/2002 Welcome. We guarantee you a good party!